How to install a game?

First, you will need the Daemon Tool and WinRAR (or similar software) before you start installing the game. If you do not have them, you can download from here:

Installation Instructions

1. Extract files

Always remember to turn off the Firewall as well as Antivirus before extracting and installing, as they will block or delete cracked files during extracting/installation.

A: How to install/start the game?

Q: Most of the time you will encounter 3 cases:

- Case 1: the games are already installed => you just need to unzip and play.

- Case 2: you get .iso files (or .mds, .cue,...) after unzip => you need to mount them, install from the .exe file inside, then crack them and enjoy. You can see the instructions here for this step by step with pictures, very easy:

- Case 3: you get the installation file after extracting => you simply install it and play.

After extracting .rar files, there will be 3 cases:

Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 4
Step 4
Step 5
Step 5
Step 6
Step 6
Step 7
Step 7
  • 2. CASE 2: You get the setup file after extracting

    The name of the setup file may be different for your situation, but you only need to consider the .exe file. Double click on it, and follow step by step instructions during installation.

2. CASE 3: There are no .iso files as well as no setup files after extracting

This case is very easy, you don' need to do anything, just play the game right now. (We have included crack before upload)